Tuesday, November 18, 2014

This I Believe

    I believe that anything can be accomplished if you set your mind to it. People tend to make excuses for anything and everything. In reality if you really want something then you have to put in the hard work. Nothing in life is just handed to you for free. With that being said the reason why i said that is because i recently accomplished what everyone thought i would've never been able to do.

    About a year ago I've always put myself down and thought i wouldn't be able to even keep running track or even play any physical sports.  i admit it i made plenty of mistakes in life that i regret, but hey without them we would've never became who we are or who we are bound to be. I was a skinny kid who was 16 and only weighed 105.. that's pretty embarrassing. So i got into fitness and let me tell you guys, once i got into it i was completely hooked. It was a stress reliever, it was my hobby.

   Every since i started i have not stopped. Since then i was able to gain about 55 pounds. And if you ask me that's a ton of weight just to gain in a year. I was at the gym 5-6 days a week, up to 1-3 hours a day. The first few months were the hardest, i struggled lifting just a barbell off my chest. I didn't know anything about fitness in such as form, nutrition, etc. I started getting more into it, did my own research and soon enough i had my own workout programs, my own nutrition. Now not only could i lift a barbell off my chest but i was able to lift 130 in just 4 months. Might not seem a lot to you guys but it is to me. That was a personal record for me, man it feels great to hit those.

Doesn't matter if you are over weight, underweight, or have a disability. There's no excuse, i see people everyday work theirs butts off just to achieve what they've always wanted. Sometimes they don't accomplish things at that exact moment but they eventually succeed. So put the effort in whatever you believe you can do. If you work hard enough, you will succeed without a doubt.

 Anything can be accomplished. Things don't always workout your way the first time or even the second, but it eventually will. No excuses made. Give it all you got and you will accomplish what you have always aspired to be.


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